How to start you music journey while in school?

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You just relish being on a musical instrument. You cannot wait to get on your keyboard or guitar. It is natural that every student has his or her own interest-something that we are passionate about.

However, we are sometimes constrained to pay attention to our studies because getting a degree is an ideal to have financial security later on.

It is without a doubt that there is high competition and demand for time, energy, and resources in the music industry, which is the reason why many students turn their backs on their talents and focus on studying for their future. 

But that should not restrict us from trying out. Success in the music industry is not about fate or destiny, it is about a change of mindset. You have to be the one to decide about starting your music career. 

A record label will not just suddenly call you up and offer you a contract, unless you work your way towards building your image in the industry.

So, how do you kickstart your music career while studying? Here are important tips for you to reach your dreams.

Set your mindset right.

Pursuing a music career is not something you decide just for fun. You should be prepared to commit to it, even if it means waiting for years to establish a reputation. 

To prepare for reality, you first have to know your strengths and weaknesses. You have to be aware of what you can offer to the professional world. Is it the style of your music, be it electropop, contemporary R&B, mumble rap or classical music? Or is it a novel way of performing? You also have to get feedback from friends, colleagues, and mentors to help improve your music.

Understand your job.

It is crucial for you to understand the job of being a musician. There are different dimensions involved, not just playing an instrument or singing in front of an audience. 

To be a musician, you must remember that you are not just performing for yourself, you are also performing for others. This means that a musician advocates for music because of what it stands for and what it teaches. 

Thus, you can start your music career by educating the public. Teaching your talent to several outlets, like music institutions or social media, can not only give you income but it can also promote music education to a number of people. In addition, you can meet professional musicians to consult about how they began their careers.

Grab opportunities.

It is costly and time-consuming to advertise yourself to let people take notice, but there are opportunities in the market to start building your portfolio without spending. 

One is to sell background music for advertisement in companies. You can do more by selling it to websites that take care of royalty-free music. These websites pay you for every business that purchases your music with a commission. Another is to collaborate with other artists and brands to sell your beats and samples to them.

This way, you are both networking and earning on the side. Finally, you can audition to performing arts organizations or join competitions to train and publicize yourself in front of an audience.

Create your portfolio.

The audience will not know you unless you create a music portfolio. Digital technology has made it easier for musicians to make and sell music as independents without the need of a recording label. This is particularly appealing to students because it reduces expenses and makes it easier to market and distribute their recordings.

However, this freedom comes at the price of increasing competition with other musicians. Hence, you must not limit your talent to the digital world. Volunteer to perform in events on your own campus and other schools.

Do demons and live gigs in clubs and other performance venues to help you reach an audience. You can also upload some of your recordings on a website like SoundCloud, ReverbNation, Drooble, and YouTube. Or better yet, build your own website to introduce yourself, sell music, and give updates about your upcoming shows and events.

Build a network.

Networking involves creating and nurturing continuous relationships in the music community. Never interact with someone only because you want something from them, instead, you have to be receptive towards their interests. Getting along with others helps your credibility to be desired and trusted. Practically, this will also help you find out about gigs, auditions, other performance opportunities that will advance your career to a larger fan base.

While it is true that the music industry is huge and full of competition, these tips give you an overview that there is room for you to start your music career. Lack of money and resources should not hinder you from succeeding, but rather it should challenge you to be creative, organized, and resourceful. So what are you waiting for? Start your music career now.

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