What are the 5 types of leadership for your business?

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As you have seen, there are several capabilities that must be observed in a leader. Now, get to know the 5 types of leadership for your business!

5 types of leadership for your business

1. Democratic Leadership

Democratic leadership is one in which the leader and the led maintain balance in harmonious and motivating coexistence. In this case, it is more common for the employee to feel part of the company, not just another employee to carry out tasks.

A democratic leader manages to make the employee feel that he or she participates in decision-making, goal-setting, and strategy-making. Therefore, this leadership allows everyone to have their say and, together, build paths for business growth.

2. Liberal Leadership

In liberal leadership, employees have greater autonomy to perform their duties, as long as they meet their goals. As with democratic leadership, employees can also help with decision-making and propose solutions.

In addition, the team is free to make their own plans, making everyone feel more engaged and committed to the organization. However, this type of leadership can generate disrespect and conflicts if an employee does not know how to deal with this freedom.

3. Leadership Coaching

As the name shows, this type of leadership uses coaching tools to work on the personal development of team members. In this way, it aims to promote the self-motivation of employees through feedback and incentives to improve skills.

As a consequence, the coach leader allows the employee to recognize their potential, reinforcing the positive points and improving the negative ones. In general, as a result of this operating model, the team is more engaged and performs better.

4. Visionary Leadership

Visionary leadership, on the other hand, is premised on the entrepreneurial spirit, believing in the value of each employee within the company. So this type of leader knows that it is often necessary to take risks to achieve the goals and growth of the company.

Therefore, he knows how to deal with people in order to motivate the team, and maintaining employee engagement. In addition, visionary leaders have a broad business vision, which helps in the strategic planning of the team.

5. Situational Leadership

Finally, situational leadership is one that fits in the most diverse situations. In this case, the leader considers the needs and level of maturity of the team, the task to be performed and the profile of each employee to choose the best way to lead.

Thus, it promotes a more flexible leadership capable of dealing with greater wisdom in conflict situations in the company. But for that, know that this type of leader must present a lot of experience and knowledge.

What kind of leader not to seek for your business?

You know the main types of leadership to look for for your business. So, you should also know the type of leader that tends to be no longer desired in organizations: the autocratic. In practice, he can be considered more of a boss than a leader.

It is he who makes all the decisions, without any participation or suggestion from those he leads. Although this type of leader is still very present in companies, he can present problems. One of the main ones is the low productivity of their led teams.

Considering that the team only takes orders and cannot contest decisions, this leads to employee demotivation. As a result, employees tend to feel unhappy in the work environment, reducing their creativity and productivity.

How to choose a leadership for your company?

You’ve already taken the first step in choosing a leader for your company: knowing the types of leadership. In this way, it is possible to identify which style of leader is the most suitable for your business, considering the values ​​and mission of the organization.

In this sense, understand that there is not the best leader for all companies, but the one that fits best in certain environments. It is also important to know that in the same company you may need to have different types of leadership.

For example, in teams that are more committed and feel free to produce if they have more freedom, the liberal leader may be the best option. However, if the team depends on a position at the head of activities, perhaps democratic or visionary leadership is more suitable.

Throughout this post, you got to know the 5 main types of leadership to have in your company, in addition to discovering the leader who does not engage the team and can reduce productivity. Now you’ll have an easier time identifying your team’s needs to choose the best leadership!

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