Credit analysis: what it is and how to improve yours

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This process has the objective of ensuring that the consumer can be “credited” – hence the name credit – as a good payer, which increases security so that financial companies are not at a loss.

How is credit analysis risk performed?

Credit analysis is carried out through specialized companies, which have a database with information on people and companies. On this basis, there are verification of any pending market issues, judicial collections or default proceedings, history of financial events, and ability to pay.

This data generates a mathematical report whose result is the score of the company or individual, such as a grade given to classify whether or not it is safe to carry out financial actions. If the score is low, it means that there is a high risk of default – or non-payment of debts. If the score is medium, there is a moderate risk of default.

In this case, the decision to conclude a contract or not with that person or company is the responsibility of the person who requested the analysis. If the score is high, everything indicates that the payment relationships will not have future problems. The calculation can be summarized this way. The closer the score is to 1,000, the greater the chances of getting credit.

Each financial institution has its own criteria and calculations to evaluate consumers but, in general, the analyzed data are as follows:

Personal data

Here, basic consumer information, such as CPF, marital status, telephone number, address, profession, education level, and proven income are analyzed. From this data, it is possible to carry out a deeper analysis of the credit profile using other parameters, which you will see below.

name restrictions

Now is the time to find out if there is any pending customer analysis with the financial institution. If there is, this issue can prevent a possible taking of new credit, since, due to the debt still outstanding, the chances of default are still high.

Income credit analysis

The next step is the verification of the consumer’s monthly income, a fundamental factor to guarantee the security of the financial operation, including the two parties involved: who gives credit and who receives it. The income calculation defines if the installment amount is really accessible to the credit applicant or if the card limit is adequate for the salary, considering that an expense cannot exceed 30% of the monthly net income so that the budget is not compromised.

Positive record credit analysis

Unlike the bad debt lists, the positive register, as the name suggests, considers positive financial information from the consumer, such as payment of invoices by the due date, and financing paid off, among others. Even if the person or company has outstanding debts or restrictions in their name, they can register on the platform so that payments made on time are also considered in their score.

Positive registration can also be an advantage for informal or self-employed workers, as this way they can prove their ability to pay.


There are credit operations that involve an asset as a guarantee of payment, such as real estate and vehicles. In this case, the applicant’s asset undergoes an inspection so that the financial institution can assess its state of conservation and estimate its market value. The higher the value of the property or car, the lower the interest rates on the operation.

Who can do a credit analysis?

According to the resolution of the Central Bank, the institutions that can have access to citizens’ financial information and can carry out credit operations are:

  • development agencies;
  • savings and loan associations;
  • commercial banks;
  • Exchange banks;
  • Development Banks;
  • Investment banks;
  • Multiple Banks;
  • Savings boxes;
  • mortgage companies;
  • credit unions;
  • Securities and securities brokerage companies;
  • leasing companies;
  • Credit societies for microentrepreneurs and small businesses;
  • Credit, financing, and investment companies;
  • Real estate credit companies;
  • Securities distributing companies;

Other classes of institutions subject to the regulation of the Central Bank, authorized to carry out or acquire credit operations referred to in this Resolution, pursuant to the regulations issued by the Central Bank and Resolution No. 4,571, of May 26, 2017 Page 3 of 7 XIX – other classes of institutions authorized to carry out or acquire credit operations referred to in this Resolution and subject to regulation by a different body of the Central Bank.

In addition, it is worth noting that regardless of the type of credit operation carried out by the customer, institutions must keep the authorization to consult the information for a period of up to five years from the last consultation.

To learn more about the guidelines on consulting financial data for credit operations, access the document provided by the Central Bank.

Tips to ensure a good credit analysis

As we explained earlier, the credit analysis considers the applicant’s financial history, such as monthly income, outstanding debts, and debts already paid off. In the case of student financing, the profile of the guarantor can also be considered in the analysis – a kind of “financial responsibility” for the credit acquired when financing the course.

The good news is that there are ways to get better results in the credit analysis and, in this way. Increase the chances of financing being approved. We count the four main ones below. Check out!

Monitor your CPF

If your CPF, or that of your guarantor, is in Serasa or SPC, you will hardly have your credit approved. These are bodies that help the financial institution ensure that you are a good payer. If your data is included in them. It means that you have bad debts – that is, difficulty paying your bills. In that case, you will have a negative credit review.

The first tip is to monitor your CPF to avoid falling into the SPC system, for example, due to fraud or because of a forgotten account. The second tip is to negotiate your debts before requesting a credit analysis.

Try to have a fixed income

Another point that interferes with your credit analysis is the amount of income that can be proven. In general, in the case of students. The monthly amount earned by the guarantor and the monthly amount earned by the student are accounted for. This sum must be sufficient to pay the student loan installments.

Pay your bills on time

Increasing financial control and paying your bills on time is another important precaution to achieve a good result in your credit analysis. Thus, you avoid interest, you don’t run the risk of ending up in credit protection services due to default, and guarantee the financing.

Show that you are a good payer: keep all your bills up to date. A good way to ensure this is by using apps like GuiaBolso. Which helps you organize your finances and allow you to send reminders so that no account is forgotten.

Reduce your bills

Speaking of bills, it’s a good idea to keep only the essentials. If you have a good income, but you pay off a car loan, for example, this can harm your credit analysis when applying for a new loan. The same goes for your guarantor.

Extra tip: know the rules of the financial institution! Each one has its own rules when doing the credit analysis. Therefore, it is worth finding out what the program requirements are before filling out the proposal. That way, you have time to make sure you’re able to meet all the requirements.

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