3 Side Hustles to Support You Through College

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3 Side Hustles to Support You Through College? Looking to boost your bank balance while studying?

We feel you.

It’s no secret that college life is expensive.

With textbooks, food, social events and housing all competing for your precious funds, you might be bracing yourself to spend the next few years surviving on nothing but instant noodles and tap water.

The thing is, it doesn’t have to be that way at all.

With a bit of creativity and determination, it’s actually super easy to start your own side hustle alongside your studies to earn some extra cash, without taking too much focus away from college responsibilities.

Your grades don’t have to be compromised to achieve your financial goals as a student. In fact, growing yourself the gift of financial stability through your studies will set you up for the best start in your new career.

Are you ready to get started Side Hustles? Let’s do this!

Here’s our beginner’s mini-guide on three of the most rewarding side hustles you can start as a broke college student.

#1 – Tutoring

Whether you’re a math whiz or a science pro, tutoring is a super rewarding side hustle!

Not only will it allow you to earn money, but it also gives you the chance to share your knowledge and help others succeed.

Through online platforms like TutorMe, sourcing and maintaining tutoring gigs is made easy.

The site allows you to sign up as a tutor and connect with students who need support in your area of expertise, which is a great way to expand your reach beyond your immediate network of classmates and friends!

There are plenty of similar sites to be found online, and they’ll often provide helpful resources and tools to make tutoring sessions more effective and efficient, too!

Another way to find tutoring clients is through good old-fashioned networking.

Advertise your services on social media, or post flyers on on-campus bulletin boards.

You could even reach out to local schools, professors or academic departments to see if they know of anyone who could use some extra help!

If you’re someone who loves feeling rewarded by their work, and wants to give back to the wider world, get started on tutoring ASAP!

#2 – Freelance Writing

Love to craft words into beautiful, informative pieces?

Freelance writing is the perfect moneymaker!

With many websites and blogs constantly looking for talented writers, you can earn a good chunk of cash by sharing your writing skills with the world.

Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer make it simple for writers to connect with clients needing quality content, with minimal business setup and maintenance needed.

You’ll choose projects that appeal to you and work by your own schedule, making freelance work one of the best ways to build side hustles in college.

You’ll find yourself writing about a whole host of topics, keeping your creative juices flowing, exercising the wordsmith in you and most importantly, ensuring that you’re never bored!
As we mentioned above, you don’t have to rely solely on online agencies to push your work – but they do help.

You can reach out to businesses in your local community and offer to write articles or blog posts for them, too!

We’d suggest starting out with businesses in the industry you’re working towards in your studies.

You never know – you could land a gig with a company in your dream industry!

A perfect way to get your foot in the door before you graduate!

#3 – Social Media Support

Can’t stop scrolling?

Put those restless thumbs to good use, and let them earn you some extra cash!

Social media support is a great way to make money while doing what you love.

With the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, businesses of all sizes need help managing their online presence.

What you’ll do as a social media manager is create content, respond to messages, and track analytics to help businesses build their brand and connect with their customers.

 Ready for the best part?

Whether you’re at home or in between classes, you can log on to your computer or phone and get to work. You can even offer your services to businesses in different time zones and work around your own schedule!

Ready to dive into the world of social media support? There are many ways to find clients, from reaching out to local businesses to using online job boards.

If you’re looking to get your foot in the door of the digital marketing world, social media support is a great way to gain experience and build your portfolio.

Ready to get started on your next college side hustles?

With a little creativity, determination, and the help of the internet, you can easily start a side hustle to earn extra cash while studying.

Whether you love teaching, writing, or scrolling, there are many opportunities available for you to explore and turn your passions into profitable side gigs.

So, why not give it a try? Who knows, you may even discover a new passion and combine your new knowledge with your side hustle to help build your career!

(PSST, If you’re still stuck for ideas, check out our post on 7 extra income options for students!)