How to prepare your business for commemorative dates?

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The business for commemorative dates chances to increase sales in various sectors of the market. Christmas, for example, is the main date for eCommerce. In addition to the clothing, toys, electronics, and gifts sectors in general, it moves the supermarket niche.

Although consumers are already willing to spend more in these periods, it is necessary to prepare your business for commemorative dates. After all, competition is increasingly fierce.

Want to know how to prepare your business for commemorative dates? So keep reading! In this post, you will understand how it is possible to organize your company to earn in the seasons.

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How to prepare your business for commemorative dates?

To prepare your business for the commemorative dates, first, it is necessary to know which are the special days. That way, you can get organized early enough to make a good campaign.

Check what they are:

  • New Year;
  • Carnaval;
  • Easter;
  • International Women’s Day;
  • Mothers Day;
  • Valentine’s Day;
  • Father’s Day;
  • Children’s Day;
  • Natal.

In addition to the traditional commemorative dates, there are others that can be used by commerce to leverage sales. Although they are not so common when it comes to shopping, they serve as campaign themes that draw the attention of certain consumer profiles.


Take advantage of dates related to the company’s niche

As you have seen, there are seasonal dates that can be used to create campaigns to boost sales. For example, a comic book and collectibles store can benefit from Nerd Pride Day to craft a special promotion.

Therefore, it is worth researching the seasons that most relate to your business. In this way, it is possible to organize promotions that attract more customers.

prepare the stock for business for commemorative dates

Stock preparation is essential for commemorative dates. After all, your company can have a drop in reputation if you offer products but don’t have enough inventory to meet demand.

In addition, there is no point in putting together a sales marketing strategy if there are no products that serve consumers. Therefore, in order not to waste the opportunities that these seasons bring, schedule yourself to renew the stock.

Build a differentiated campaign

The campaigns of the commemorative dates do not need – and should not – all be the same. It is necessary to have a differential to draw the attention of consumers in the face of competition. This is possible with good research work to gain insights.

It is worth seeking inspiration and understanding what your audience is looking for, researching references and transforming them into campaigns that relate to your brand. But be careful that they are not copies of the shares of other companies.

Create promotions for business for commemorative dates

In addition to campaigns, it is interesting to carry out promotions, placing lower prices or better conditions on the purchase – such as buy 1 take 2 or greater interest-free installments. This helps to attract customers and can encourage sales due to the differentials offered.

There is yet another advantage: you can get rid of products that have been sitting in stock for a long time, taking up space. They can be offered with unmissable discounts or in combos with other items in greater demand.

Bet on social networks

Social networks are great tools for publicity and relationship with the consumer. When preparing for an anniversary, don’t forget to pay special attention to personalizing them.

It is interesting that you work on the layout of the photos, videos and posts on top of the commemorative campaign. For example, when preparing for Christmas, have a plan to post Christmas-related content on your business’s Instagram.

Hire temporary staff

It is very common that on more traditional commemorative dates, such as Christmas and Mother’s Day, sales increase exponentially. The flow of customers is intense and you will probably need more collaborators.

Therefore, it is important to include the hiring of staff in your campaign planning so that the company has time to select temporary employees. In addition, it is essential to provide training for newbies.

Promote quality care

Seasonal sales are great opportunities to win and retain customers. For this reason, it is very important to promote quality service. After all, when the consumer is well served, the tendency is to return to the store.

In this way, when preparing for a commemorative date, gather employees and reinforce the importance of providing good service. To this end, the company can also promote training and workshops aimed at serving the public.

Create an agenda for anniversaries

Finally, create an agenda for the commemorative dates. It is common for the company’s usual calendar to have several tasks, which can make special dates go unnoticed. If this happens, you will miss out on all the opportunities these periods bring.

To avoid this problem, here’s how to create the schedule:

90 Days: Purchasing Goods and Managing Inventory

The purchase of goods must be made at least 90 days in advance of the main commemorative dates. This is because the products must already be available in greater quantity between 30 and 60 days from the special date.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to see Panettone in supermarkets from September onwards or Easter eggs right after Carnival, for example. In this way, write down in your calendar the period in which you should shop and manage stock for each occasion.

60 Days: establishing marketing actions

2 months in advance, you must gather the team to assemble the company’s marketing campaign. Be sure to consider the tips we gave you about references and taking advantage of the seasonal dates that are most related to your business to create identification with the public.

30 Days: disclosing the offers

When the 30 days before the date approaches, it is time to start publishing the offers. At this point, all the marketing material – both physical and digital – should be ready to be released and start to attract the public.

As you have seen, commemorative dates are opportunities to increase revenue and attract and retain customers. For this reason, they deserve special planning so that your company can get the best out of these seasons.

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