How Students Can Start Their Own Blog? Earn While Studying.

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How to start a blog. A blog is like a website that primarily focuses on your personal thoughts and experiences. It is like your very own personal journal, but the only difference is that it is available to all internet users to read. For a student, a blog is an excellent investment. It helps them grow as a person, develop new skills, and also make additional cash to cater to their experiences.

If you are planning on starting a blog, then you have landed on the right spot. Today, we are going to be discussing the benefits of starting a blog and how you, as a student, can start your very first blog right away without any complications. So let us go ahead and jump right into it.

Why Should You Start A Blog?

One of the major questions is, why should you start a blog as a student? Starting your very own blog provides endless opportunities that you can avail yourself at present and also benefit from them for future career-related purposes. Here are a few reasons which suggest why you should start your blog right away.

Express Yourself

As a student, you have a minimal number of platforms to express yourself. You might have new ideas, solutions to multiple problems, or just your personal experiences or opinions that you wish to share with a broader audience other than your classmates or professors.

A blog acts as your personal platform where you can talk about literally anything. It is much like your journal but just public. You can write about different topics, add graphics, or share anything that pops up in your head that you wish to share with your audience.

Create a Portfolio

If you are studying to become a professional in a particular field, all job applications are going to require some experience in the area. It can often become hard to start from zero even after having a full 4-year degree.

Starting a blog allows you to create your portfolio to present to employers when going for job interviews. For instance, for a writer or a photographer, a blog acts as their portfolio. It is a compilation of the work you have performed over the years and the experience that you have gained.

Earn Extra Income

As a student, we all are looking for ways to make extra money. It is often hard to juggle between two jobs and full-time studies at the same time. That is where a blog comes in and helps solve your financial blogs.

Once you have a few posts up on your blog, and you have started to engage with the audience, you can monetize your blog and also collaborate with different brands to promote their products and service. This way, you get to earn some extra cash as well. On average a blogger earns $1,000 – $10, 000 from a blog.

How To Start A Blog?

Are you motivated enough to start a blog but don’t know where to start? Not to worry because we got you covered. Starting a blog seems a bit intimidating, especially with all the web development jargon used by professionals.

The good thing is that it is not hard as it seems because you don’t need to be a professional web developer or designer to start your blog. Here are the few easy steps that you need to follow to start your blog right away.

Choose A Domain to Start A Blog

First things first! It would be best if you chose a domain for your blog. A domain is a URL (web address) for your blog. It should be unique, and in most cases, it is best to add your blog name to the URL.  So your domain would be

Buy A Hosting Plan to Start A Blog

The next step is buying a hosting plan for your blog. Just like you use Google Drive to store your files online, you need a buy storage space for your blog online as well. Hosting sites such as BlueHost act as host serves (similar to Google for Google Drive) and allow you to use their online storage space for your blog.

Install WordPress

Once you have secured the domain and the host, the next step is to install WordPress on your hosting profile. In the past, one had to develop websites on his own.  But now, with the advancement in technology, platforms like WordPress allow you to build websites and blogs without the need for HTML knowledge.

Web Design

Once everything is set in place, it is time for you to design your blog. You probably want a unique layout, color combination, style, and design for your blog. You don’t have to do everything from scratch, choose the layout and design from WordPress plugins, and you should be good to go.

Publish Your First Blog

And finally, you are done! All you need now is content to add to your blog. It could be text, images, videos, or a combination of all. Just choose the content that you wish to share and feel would engage the readers and start blogging.

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