No Excuse to Be Broke

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Studies have shown that more than 60% of students run out of money upon entering colleges or universities. This is due to the ever-increasing tuition and miscellaneous fees asked by their schools.

The majority of students use the option of student loans to pay for their education after graduating. However, the problem with this is that they are bound by an agreement to repay depending on their plan, limiting their expenses and choices in the future.

Based on an analysis by Wesley Whistle, consumers under 34 years old owe an amount of over $620 billion in student loans during the mid-2019. This causes a high percentage of defaults, which can seize their funds all throughout.

When students try to save money after paying bills, they are still faced with other bills to pay such as payments for their food, clothing, transportation, boarding, lodging, textbooks, and other facilities. Students also tend to spend a lot on social gatherings with friends, affecting their ability to manage their money properly. If you are one of those students who are having a hard time managing and earning money, then is here to save you.

We often think that being a student already limits us from working or earning some cash.

While it is true that most companies and organizations only allow graduate students to work for them, there are still ways for you to widen your skills and is here to provide you that.

I’m already broke is a common statement by most students and this is mainly due to the reasons stated below. We have outlined them but also gave a solution for you to realize that being a student should not be an excuse to be broke because helps you excel while you study.

Receive education.

If you come from an economically challenged family, it is initially difficult to get an education. Despite the circumstances, believes that you have the right to education. Many schools are now offering financial aid and scholarships to help you obtain a degree. Reach out to them individually or apply via College Board, which lists requirements for most colleges and submit application forms through them.

There are also student loans you can apply for, where guides you in managing your money to pay off your student loan without it affecting your goals. The most important thing to consider is to know the total amount you owe, the financial institution (banks, government, private lender) where you owe the money from, and the monthly payment and interest rates to pay.

Find accommodation.

Upon entering college, you have the option to live at home or a dormitory nearby your school. If you live near the campus, then it is best for you to live at home since this already cuts costs for board and lodging. Although you’ll be separated from your friends for most of your college life, offers you direction and enlightenment to cope with living at home while also making the best out of college.

Now if you are living in a dormitory, it is best to look for a place to stay even before you enter college. At, we provide the best deals of dormitories to choose from. Plan out your expenses early and contact the dormitory for room rates and facility-related costs. Try to visit the campus to view how the dormitory looks, to know the furniture you need, and to learn the prices of the nearby cafeteria and laundry services.

Once you have settled down in a dormitory, our first advice is to always know where you place your things. Students often commit the mistake of misplacing things that will soon be required by their professors, and when the time comes of needing it, they have to buy again. tells you to remember to keep your things tidy!

Land on a job.

There are other expenses you need to spend in college, especially in food, clothing, transportation, and campus-related costs. To pay for such costs, gives you access to land on freelance jobs despite the competitive job market.

These jobs are in variety, from becoming a social media influencer to online tutoring to freelancing. We have made articles for each of these jobs for you to follow and take into account when starting. We also feature articles on practical advice for your future careers and succeeding in a job you love.

Never mind going through all these different websites for individual jobs, is your one-stop resource to look out for and enables you to apply to a wide assortment of jobs successfully.

Start your own business.

Some professors may give you an assignment about attending an event that is not for free. It is always important to have extra cash for these instances. To get some, you can apply to freelance jobs or best, to start your own business! believes that you can start a business while still studying in school. How? There are tons of ways to manage your own business without pouring money down the drain. Reduce startup costs or build a small local business, whatever it is you are thinking of starting, we provide you information and advice to make it all worth it.

Train outside the zone.

As a student, social life is what makes us interact with our peers as emotional support and a time away from our studies. While going out with them is not bad, wasting money just because you are pressured to bond with them might be. Learn to say no.

There are still ways for you to socialize without leisure spending, but our advice is to set a time for socializing and also a time for training. What does this mean? knows that you are capable of other skills and interests you may have never thought of.

It is alright to spend some time with friends but not all time should be with them. Create a time for yourself, where you turn for further training of your skillset by going through our articles. Follow advice at to learn additional skills, grow as a student, and be job-ready.

Budget for expenses.

Textbooks are often required in a class, but there is no need to buy a new one. teaches you to manage your finances well and look for cheaper alternatives.

For textbooks, make use of the library and borrow your required books. If this is not an option, ask higher year students to borrow, rent or buy from them at a much lower price. Know the services your school provides and make use of this resourcefully to reduce book expenses.

For food, students are usually tempted to eat out so they can hang out with their friends. A great option to eat out and have social bonding is to buy food from an affordable food store, which generally does not have chairs, and eat their store-bought food in a food court or school cafeteria. gives you the best advice for student finance. Learn basic budgeting skills while also enjoying being a student.

With these major reasons why students are broke, we hope you get an idea that being a student is not an excuse to be broke. Why? Because ensures that you are given the proper guidance to make the most out of your student life and not get broke. There are lots of things you can do to minimize costs of your college spending and avoid running out of money, and is your hero.

We, at, help students with access to information and resources on how to achieve other things while studying.