Got money troubles? Here are tips for students to save money.

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Ever get that feeling of wanting to buy something in a store, but when you reach out to your wallet or pocket, there is no money left? Here are tips for students to save money. Students often have a tight budget due to their limited allowance that is easily spent on books, dormitory rent, and school fees. However, this problem is mostly because of the lack of a budgeting plan for students to save money and have some extra cash when it’s needed.

Here, we have listed tips for students to save money to use in order to be familiar with basic budgeting that will also be helpful in the future.

Here are tips for students to save money.

Buy groceries to cook meals and split the expenses among your friends.

If you are planning to eat out in a restaurant or a fast food store, save that thought for later. Tell your friends that you’ll go to a supermarket and buy ingredients together. You’ll be able to split the costs and also, you’ll cook and eat a meal enough for all of you.

Students to save money should use their student discounts wisely.

Many shops are offering student discounts as long as you bring your school ID. Look at stores near your place that offer student discounts and use this opportunity as much as possible.

Avail of basic phone packages or plans.

If you use your smartphone many times, then try considering basic phone packages or plans that provide unlimited texts and calls to reduce your daily phone expenses.

Live together with roommates.

Renting out a place all on your own will take a lot of money and resources. Try looking for roommates who you can split the monthly rent and facilities.

Pay off your credit card immediately.

Just because you have a credit card doesn’t mean you can buy anything you want. Pay off your credit card once the billing statement reaches you. It is alright to have credit, but a bad credit score will pile up on your loans one after another.

Quit smoking and binge drinking.

If you are a heavy smoker and/or drinker, then our advice is for you to cut it out. These habits are not only expensive but also unhealthy.

Don’t go to the grocery store when hungry.

There is a tendency that once you enter the grocery store hungry, you’re going to buy excessively without thinking or planning. To avoid this from happening, never grocery shop if you feel like eating a lot.

students to save money should buy or rent used books and sell your old books. 

If you have an online group in your school where you can buy and sell used academic books, then participate. You can also ask other students if they know any fellow students who you can buy or sell used books.

Don’t obsess over branded items.

You might think that branded items are better than generic ones when in fact, most of them are similar but only the brand name is carrying the price tag. Buy generic items and go over their ingredients to ensure that their quality is similar to branded ones.

Test out classes if given the option.

If there are prerequisites or requirements that can be tested out and if you think you can qualify for it, then go for it.

Don’t borrow money for things unrelated to your education.

Taking out a loan is also taking a risk that implies losing track of your payments.

Students to save money should open a savings account with interest. 

There are many banks and agencies out there where you can easily open a savings account while keeping your money safe and earning interest. A great deal for students is credit unions due to their lower fees.

Order free water.

Nothing is cheaper than ordering water when eating in a restaurant or any food shop. Many drinks are expensive and ordering water is the best way for you to save money and also get zero calories.

Get a pet only after college.

You might have an urge to get a pet during college. While this is a good approach for you to have a companion, it can get expensive with costly bills to pay. If you love animals, find animal shelters that are looking for volunteers.

Make use of your college activities and places.

Numerous projects and activities are organized on your school campus, and you have to take advantage of this. Instead of spending money to go out, make use of what your campus has to offer like workshops, movie nights, and other social gatherings that are usually free of charge.

Avoid buying unnecessary school supplies.

If you have notebooks during the previous semester and only a few pages were used, then cut them out and use the extra pages. Be resourceful as much as possible. This will also save Mother Earth from worsening.

In the list above, we have featured financial tips for you to try out as a student. Knowing these tips will guide you greatly about how budgeting works and how you can assure that you still have some money left to buy important stuff.

We, at, help students with access to information and resources on how to achieve other things while studying.

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